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Prophets’ Tombs Around Nablus

There are tombs of prophets and priests in this area. Some of those who are buried there are Eleazar (Saint Lazarus), Ithamar, and Phinehas whereas Dhul-Kifl and Joshua were buried in Kifl Hares. The other seventy sheikhs were buried in Awarta. The tomb of Joseph is in Balata; however, Muslims consider the latter tomb is for a good Muslim not for Prophet Joseph.

The tombs of the other children of Jacob

The tombs of the other children of Jacob are distributed in the holy land; for example, Benjamin’s tomb is located in Kfar Saba; Levi’s tomb is in Silat al-Dhahar; Juda’s tomb is in Talluza; other three tombs are in al-Anbiya’ Mosque in Nablus.