the Fourth Annual Gender Justice from a National and Religious Perspective Conference Agenda: Freedom and Reform
- Aug. 28, 2024

Prof. Jamal Zaid al-Kilani, the dean of the Faculty of Shari’ah, and the director of An-Najah Center for Religious Studies (ANCERS), participated in “the Fourth Annual Gender Justice from a National and Religious Perspective Conference Agenda: Freedom and Reform”. The conference was organized by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. His participation took place in the opening session accompanied by the participation of: Bishop Dr. Sani Azar, the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, Mrs. Mona al-Khalili, the Minister of Women Affairs, and Ms. Ruba Odeh, the Coordinator of Gender, Peace and Security at Young Women’s Christian Association in Palestine. Prof. Zaid al-Kilani’s participation’s main theme was about the Islamic view regarding women: their rights and duties; he supported his speech by Qur’anic verses and prophetic hadiths which all guarantee the rights of women. His speech was welcomed by the attendees.